Wednesday 27 March 2013

Abdul Ghani Zambahari

Abdul Ghani Zambahari

White Diamond

I’m Successful because I Believe in MonaVie
I get involved in direct selling business since year 1976 and I know it is a challenging career that demands patience if one wants a handsome reward in the end. I found out about MonaVie by accident while I was doing a research through internet about potential companies in this business and I immediately know that MonaVie is almost perfect for me. It is a well-established company which provide a unique and useful product to suit everybody’s needs and it has a top-notch marketing plan that promises profitable income at all level which I couldn’t find in other companies that I joined previously.
My major factor of success is I believe in MonaVie. Without trust, I’m not standing here today, savoring all the blessed I received through my MonaVie business, and now my goal is to help all my downline to be successful and create a better life of tomorrow. I believe one can achieve whatever they want in life if they strategized themselves, continuously learn about the company and the product and believe in what they are doing; this will never go wrong. I believe MonaVie is a comprehensive company; a second to none and I want everybody especially my downline to have a similar faith to be able to progress and succeed.

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